Friday, April 25, 2008

Medical Clearance!

Yay! I got an e-mail this morning telling me that my toolkit has been updated. This was a complete and total shocker since it has only been a little over two weeks since they received my medical kit. But sure enough, when I checked the toolkit, this is what I found:

I was sure it would take at least a month to get clearance, but I guess they are either really on the ball or maybe I'm just really healthy. Either way, I am so excited to hear it. I still have to go to the dentist, but there is no rush because I know you can get an invitation before even completing your dental. Things have been so busy here, I am sure I will have to wait until after graduation before I can take care of those fillings. Well, I have to get cleaned up and head to my last class ever at William and Mary. Bitter sweet.

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